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Dear Fellow Rotarians, 

It is truly my great honour and privilege for being appointed to succeed as District Governor of Rotary International District 3450 in the year of 2019-20. The excellence of the Immediate Past District Governor, Dr YC HO, and his team of elite leaders in driving the District forward with flying colours in the past year really deserves a big applause from all of us! 

For this District Installation, we are indeed grateful for the kind attendance of the Secretary for Food and Health, the Honourable Professor CHAN Siu Chee, Sophia, JP to offer us such a great spiritual support! The proceedings to be followed will mark the official commencement of the new term of leadership in District 3450. To all the incoming dedicated Advisors, Assistant Governors, District Officers and Presidents, may I present my warmest congratulations and heartfelt appreciation for your commitment to your respective advisory or leading roles. All of you would be relied upon to join hands in steering District 3450 to new horizons! 

Rotary Connects The World‘ is the Rotary Presidential Theme in 2019-20. As elaborated by Rotary International President Mark Maloney, it actually stemmed from the incredible networks, friendships, and professional links that have been evolving since the Rotary inception back in 1905. All Rotarians are encouraged to strengthen the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, building connections that enable joint talents, joint effort and generosity from various sectors for providing meaningful Rotary services. The enormous wealth of professionals and talents being connected together through the Rotary membership over the years has constituted a very strong force to change the world and lives in communities for good by helping those needed people.

The Rotary motto of 4-Way Test, as reminded in the Installation Programme Book, readily comes to mind as the most valid principles in the pursuit of the new Rotary theme. The goals of all the actions to be taken aim to help making a better world through assistance to those needed people. With due regard to Truthfulness, Fairness, Goodwill and Better Friendships, and Beneficial to All, our endeavours for Rotary work would surely bear fruits!

To guide us in our work, Rotary International President Maloney emphasizes, amongst others, on the need to grow Rotary. By growth, we shall focus on the impact of our projects and most importantly to grow our membership so as to achieve more. Membership growth should be complemented with proper member engagement that could bring in new members, not just for replacing the lost ones. 

It may be necessary to adapt certain conventional approach so as to create new membership models and open new paths to Rotary membership. The past decade saw an encouraging membership growth in District 3450. It is great that the Rotarians in our District have now exceeded 2,600 while the number of Rotary Clubs has crossed the 100 mark! The dedication of all the Rotary leadership and individual Rotarians in the period for laying such significant milestones deserves another round of big applause!

This year, Rotary International simplifies the grouping of suggested goals of Rotary work into two, namely ‘Unite People’ and ‘Take Action’. In other words, we would endeavour to link up individual effort and resources, and then put plans in action for the goals accomplishment. Our success depends on the devotion and application of every individual and entity behind that execute the action plans. It is my firm belief that the key to our success lies with the harmony amongst the Rotarians and parties involved. Working in harmony and maintaining cohesion within the District would enable us to sail through difficulties and hard time easier thereby heightening the spirit, efficiency and effectiveness in delivering our services.

I am truly fortunate and honoured to be able to inherit the impressive success of all the Past District Governors of District 3450. I take pride in shouldering the challenges of steering the Rotary development and work of the District in this new term. During the recent Rotary International Conference in Hamburg, I picked up a wisdom that ‘the Greatest Leaders make others Greater than themselves’. May I therefore appeal to all District leaders and Rotarians for your continued dedication and energy for accomplishing your Rotary goals for the benefit of District 3450! Any advice or guidance from you would be food for fulfilling my functions. It would be appreciative if you would continue to excel yourselves in the Rotary spirit in the months ahead!

Let’s CONNECT ourselves in harmony, and work closely together to materialize services of impact that would be beneficial to those who need help in the communities in not only District 3450 but elsewhere as well! 

Yours in Rotary

Wilson Cheng 

District Governor
Rotary International
District 3450
Rotary Year 2019-20 


Hello all Rotarians!

It is indeed my unique honor to be your District Governor and to serve all Rotarians and the youths in Rotary, namely the Rotaractors and Interactors in the Rotary Year 2018-19.

RI President Barry Rassin has adopted “BE THE INSPIRATION” to be our Year Strategic Logo. He calls upon us firstly to Be The Inspiration before we can inspire others for the Rotary Values. Hence, we have the mission to be THE WALKING EXAMPLES illustrating the 5 Core Values and the 4 Objects of Rotary.

And RI President Barry Rassin also emphasizes, we must work harder than ever before we can inspire our ROTARACTORS to be our VITAL FORCE in the World of Rotary. This, brings our Youth Service to a high platform with the great mission to transform our Rotaractors into Rotarians beyond the usual practices.


This year the RI three Strategic Goals are the same as in last year and also the year before last, with essential adjustments under each category. From this, the RI message to us is that we have to :

  1. Sharpen these three strategic focus ;
  2. Streamline our District revenues to sustain them ; and
  3. Uphold them without distraction every year.

We hope by the above, our District and Rotary, finally after yearly endeavours will succeed in bringing : –

  1. A sustained and substantial membership growth ;
  2. Branding of Rotary is succeeded in our community ;
  3. More good can be done to make our community a better place to live by the Humanitarian

Services through our Rotary Clubs.

Conforming with RI, we put the lead of our District Strategic Planning Committee (DSPC) in the hands of the Central Steering Core comprising of Immediate Past Governor, District Governor, Governor Elect, Governor Nominee, and Governor Nominee Designate once elected who together are assisted by their respective selected senior Rotarians in the Committee.

This formation provides that the future planning of our District is steered in the hands of immediate past, current and future leaders for wide perspectives, innovation, sustainability, and adaptability to our ever changing community around us.

I must thank all of our District Officers, including all of the District Advisors, District Leaders, Assistant Governors Team, District Secretarial Team, District Committees Team, and also all the Club Presidents and Club Leaders together with our supporting staffs in RIC, because we are ALL IN ONE in front of the need to succeed our RI Yearly Strategic Goals.

Final but not the least, we are endeavouring not just for this Rotary Year. As in any past years, we CONNECT, WITH FUTURE that our endeavors are only laying another concrete foundation to our successors in the next and many many next years of our Rotary District.

Thank you once again for all who have dedicated their precious time, minds, and monies in exhibiting Rotary, in being THE WALKING EXAMPLES OF ROTARY to BE THE INSPIRATION.

Best Regards from My Heart,

Dr HO, Yu Cheung
District Governor
Rotary Year 2018-19
Rotary District 3450

2018-19 地區總監提言




國際扶輪社長拉辛Barry Rassin 提倡「成為勵志領導者」作為年度目標。他呼籲我們先成為勵志領導者,才能感染我們週邊的人們,以實踐扶輪的價值。所以,我們秉持了這個心志,用自己實踐扶輪的例子,以彰顯扶輪的五大核心價值及四大宗旨。




  1. 每年堅實地秉持這三大策略目標;
  2. & 3. 運用地區資源以持續地專注地每年都貫徹始終。


  1. 一個持續及大量的社員増長;
  2. 在社區中為扶輪確立品牌;
  3. 更好地通過各社的人道計劃,使社會成為更美好的居住社區。


這個組成方法,使地區未來策略計劃,掌握在剛卸任、現任和未來總監手中, 冀有創意地,持續性地,以適應我們週遭不斷變化的社會。









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