How to fill in the Membership and Attendance Form

We have tried to make the form as straight forward as we can.

Here is a video link that we hope helps with filling in the form. You Tube

Don’t forget to Log In (on the Home Page) or you will not get far. Only known Rotarians can access the form.

The membership attendance percentage often causes problems so we have included a calculator if you want to use it. It is at the bottom of the form.
If you have the figure already just enter it in the correct box.

We need to know who is filling in the form, when its done we will send you an email with the entries we recorded.
The form can also send a copy to designated members for each area. If you want to use this select your Area to copy it to your AG.

If you have a change in membership then record the number added or departed. The correct number of boxes will open on the form please add the details. As much as possible please. OK if there is no Chinese name you can lave it blank but most of the rest is required and you must still tell Rotary International. Remember your Club dues and International dues are based on this figure.

Any problems give you DS a call, or RIC or website Admin

 You can find the form here



If you would like to use the calculator independently of the form as a page or as a widget you can find it here: calculation

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