Peace & Conflict Press Release

The District PR Committee has arranged press supplement to be published on 29 April 2013 at the HKET (session A). Enclosed in the soft copy for your reference and 2 complementary copies will be sent to each Club.

Please help to disseminate this message to members of your Club.  pdficon_large

You may notice that this press supplement featured Peace – the Conflict Mediation Workshop, Peace Forum and Peace Concert. There will be 2 more press supplements to be published as follows : –

27th May 2013 featuring “Poverty Alleviation” with highlights of projects under the Rotary-HKCSS Strategic Partnership, Supporting our Youth-in-transition Upwardly Mobile –

17th Jun 2013 featuring “Water” with highlights of the water project in the mainland These press supplements aim at arousing the public interest about the good works done by Rotary, leading to membership growth.

At the same, they are a summary of the key projects for internal communication – strengthening members’ sense of belonging for membership retention. With limited resources, we cannot afford to spend huge sum on publicity. However, word of mouth will be very powerful. The Committee hopes that these pieces of work can be a useful tool for you to tell Rotary stories. With this, every Rotarian will be an informed spoke person of Rotary anytime, anywhere. Please feel free to use the material as your sales kit. Thank you very much for your attention.

PP Amy Leung Deputy Chair,
District PR Committee 2012-2013


HKET Press supplement 29.4.2013 final

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