Resources & Reference

Are you interested in applying for a grant? 

You must first become qualified !

The qualification process helps ensure that your club understands your financial responsibilities, including stewardship, and is prepared to take them on. Qualification must be completed each year.

Becoming qualified is simple, you have to :

  • Agree to the club qualification MOU
  • Get your Club President, President Elect and / or Immediate Past President to sign the MOU
  • Confirm your President Elect and certify by your current Club Secretary
  • Send at least one club member to a grant management seminar held by district
  • Prepare a written financial management plan for administration
  • Open a designate bank account if you are applied as host club of a Global Grants Project

Your club must qualify each year if you plan to apply for grants.

Resources & Reference :

District Grants Only

Global Grants and District Grants


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