Pink Hau – Pink Evolution Chief Stylist


Pink is a professional artist of Korean style make-up and hairstyling. Being one of few local stylists who has actually lived and studied in South Korea, she does not only have outstanding make-up techniques but also has extensive understanding of Korean culture. She has been acting as the chief make-up stylist for various occasions including beauty contests, fashion shows, music contests, TV commercials and many official events. She is also invited by a local fashion magazine as a blogger for sharing Korean life style and culture.

Language: Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Korean PinkEvolution

Pink Hau – Pink Evolution首席化妝造型師

Pink是一名專業韓式化妝及髮型設計造型師。 數年前曾於南韓生活並負笈學藝, 精於韓式化妝技巧並對韓國文化潮流多有心得。 彼曾被邀擔任多項大型活動之化妝造型師,包括選美比賽、 時裝表演、歌唱比賽、電視廣告及其他大型活動。 彼現時亦為某本地潮流雜誌之專欄作家, 主要分享韓流文化及生活品味。


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